Monday, September 29, 2008

Many people today live their entire lives on the basis of "seeing is believing." That is to say, the only images they get emotionally involved with are the ones they can discern with their physical senses. But the individuals of real "vision," down through the ages, have always known the overriding principle is, "what you see is what you get."

Expressed somewhat differently, what this means is that the images in people's minds, actually precede the concrete images, which pervade our material world. Therefore, you should be aware of the fact that the fascinating physical world we see before us, with all of its conveniences for making our lives more comfortable, has been built largely by image-makers - men and women of vision who knew what they could do, and EXPECTED everything else to "fall into place," regardless of what their critics might say to the contrary.

Remember, you will only receive what you truly expect, not what you only wish for.

Bob Proctor

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Your Very Best

I was at a conference this weekend in Scottsdale and they showed this video.  I realized that I need to just put on the blindfold and give my best at everything I do.  Notice the attitude change in the teammates.  What will happen with the people surrounding you when you demonstrate your best you.  If they still mock and bring you down, its time for new surroundings.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'll start......On Monday!

I claim to be somewhat healthy. I consistently exercise, "in spurts". ( I know that doesn't make sense. )  I get going pretty good and feel and see a change in my body, then for some reason I slow down and completely stop. I think "Oh, I am not exercising nor am I eating that healthy so I'll just continue like this the rest of the week", after all I deserve it,  and I'll get going......On Monday. And after about 2 months of that mental state, I have found myself quite frumpy and the habit I had worked so hard to develop in exercise has completely disappeared along with any progress I had previously made.  I have been "getting ready to get ready" for a program I wanted to start......On Monday for three weeks now. I saw this video and that is all I needed. If this dude can exercise and keep going, with all of the "circumstances" going on in his life. What is my excuse. So once again, now having made a decision,  I publicly announce to my increasing number of readers. I start my new program.....On Monday. Hold me to it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cruise Control vs. Fireing on all Pistons

"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand. " Woodrow Wilson

Sunday, September 7, 2008


If you can't tell yet, I am a huge sports fan. I watched this on Sports Center a while back; to date its my favorite story.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This evening I has a friend and business associate come to our home and he shared a quote from James Allen the author of the book, "As a Man Thinketh".  I immediately followed through with something that has been on my mind for days that I had been talking it over in my head, with my wife, in my sleep.  I didn't have enough Faith or belief in my own promptings to follow through and go with my gut feeling and actually get into action with this particular task. Well in a matter of an hour I am well on my way to following trough with something I have put off and probably never would have done. Thanks for the push.

"To follow, under all circumstances, the highest promptings within you; to be always true to the divine self; to reply upon the inward Voice, the inward Light, and to pursue your purpose with a fearless and restful heart, believing that the future will yield unto you the need of every thought and effort; knowing that the laws of the universe can never fail, and that your own will come back to you with mathematical exactitude - this is faith and the living of Faith"
James Allen

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No Satellite Signal

Had a long day today, all I wanted to do is get home and watch Sports Center. I have been wanting to get away from spending much time in front of the tv. Well my Satellite was blown over in a storm over the weekend and I still don't have signal. I spent a while with my 5 year old daughter who is starting Kindergarten and is learning how to read. She read me "the whole thing"! I was in awe at hear enthusiasm to learn and progress.  After reading and telling her a nightly story, I still didn't fill my need for relaxing. So I have one of my favorite movies on DVR. I watched the last 1/4 of the movie and I was inspired by this clip:

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Quote

"As a being of power, intelligence, and the master of his own thoughts, a man holds the key to every situation, to make his life what he chooses it to be.  When he discovers the divine power within his soul, he can lead his life to a God-like nature.  If one dreams lofty dreams, so shall he become.  There is magic in the way one thinks.  If we expect the worst, we will get the worst.  If we expect the best, we will receive the best.  If we train our minds to have faith in God and ourselves, we are using one of the great laws of life.  If we think and live righteously, happiness will find its place in our lives.  It is amazing when we expect the best how forces are set in motion which cause the best to materialize.  Our thoughts more than circumstances determine the course of our lives.  Outward circumstances do not determine the course of our lives as much as the thoughts that habitually occupy our minds.  These thoughts carve their impression on our faces, in our hearts, and on the tablet of our eternal souls."
Howard W. Hunter

Friday, August 29, 2008

Watching the Game from the Bench

It was the start of a new season for my High School Varsity Basketball Team, I was still so happy I had made the team and was playing with older boys that I aspired to be like.  We had won a away game and were headed, as a team to a restaurant after the game.  I was in the back of all of the boys with another of my friends who was also one of the younger players, when my coach grabbed me by the back of the elbow like he always did to get you to squirm in pain and get your attention.  We both stopped walking and he put his arm around my shoulders and asked if I knew how many points I had scored.  I was still stoked because I actually had a couple points this game despite my limited playing time, (two made free throws).  I answered him like I didn't really know "Oh a couple...."  He interrupted me and said "I put you in the game to SCORE, but you don't shoot the ball!"  I was taken back a little.  I was just a kid who was lucky enough to make the team.  I was happy just to put on the uniform and warm up with the other kids and get a little playing time in.  My coach continued "I can't have you in the game if you don't shoot the ball" he then began to build me up and let me know how much confidence he had in my game and in my shot, and that he thought that I could be a leading scorer on the team if I would just "Look for my Shot".  
I took his advice, that year I was awarded Best 3-Point Shooter as I lead the team in 3 point shots, the following two years under my same coach I was awarded team MVP and all tournament player in multiple tournaments.
I look back on that night quite often and think of how it would have been different if I had not taken my coaches advice and quietly watched as the other kids played as I sat on the bench.  
Now as an adult I wonder how many opportunities have slipped by because I was to afraid of failing, or I didn't think I was good enough, or I was just content to be average, or my bad habits made me feel like I didn't deserve to be as successful as the next guy.  Well a little over a year ago I was re-introduced to the world of Personal Development.  My coach gave me my first book touching on the subject back in high school "Success is a Choice" by Rick Pitino.  This last year I have surrounded my self with books, cd's and people that have assisted me in believing in my true potential like my coach did for me years ago. I am exited for what is coming up in my life now that I know I can Be Do and Have anything I set my mind to despite any circumstances. Besides what fun is it to watch the game from the Bench!